ADM is not a professional athlete representation agency. We do not represent players nor negotiate professional contracts.

ADM offers amateur soccer opportunities that ensure the development of the player in America or Europe. We connect and distribute players’ academic and athletic profile for further evaluation by coaches from USA and Spain.



All of our services are offered according to the NCAA and NAIA amateur rules. Our players maintain their amateurism, making sure they understand these concepts: extra benefits, preferential treatment…

Our services are offered with the same conditions to every athlete without any type of discrimination.

ADM does not guarantee any type of award, scholarship or contract to any player.

ADM does not charge services based on receiving scholarships or the percentage of the scholarship received.



Our goal is to create long term paths and help our clients to maximize their results both on and off the field. ADM is born from the motivation of helping young to succeed with a long term perspective. Maintaining their collegiate athletic and academic eligibility are core values for our programs and services.


Any questions about our services or collegiate regulation matters, please contact directly our Compliance Department.